PC Performer appears to as a PC optimizer that scans your computer and fixes registry entry errors or any application errors. It tries to speed up system, prevents any system crash and improves system performance. Anyhow, some users have experienced troubles with this software, it is said that PC Performer can be installed without permission and pop up on computer all the time when system is booted up. If you have don’t want to keep PC Performer, you can follow the removal steps here to start.

PC Performer Uninstall Guide with Detailed Steps:

There are two methods to uninstall PC Performer from your computer, check out them in the following.

Method one:

Step one: click “Start”, go to “Control Panel”

Step two: choose “Add or Remove Programs”; on the “Currently installed programs”, find out “PC Performer” and click on it, press button “Remove” to begin until PC Performer is completely uninstalled.

Method two:

Step 1: click “Start”, go to “All Programs”; find out folder “Fighters” and then go to sub folder “PC Performer” –>click “Uninstall” to begin the uninstall

Step 2: when you see “PC Performer Uninstall” window asks you “Are you sure you want to completely remove PC Performer and all of its components?”, click “Yes” to continue

Step 3: when you see “PC Performer was successfully removed from your computer.” click “OK” to finish.

Note: If you have checked the options(“Install the Searchcore Toolbar to search the web” “Set and kepp Searchcore as my homepage and new tab page” “Set and keep Search-Results.com as my default web search engine”)when you install PC Performer, you’ll need to do some extra work to change back your web browser before your install the program . You need to change back your home page and web search engine. If you can’t handle it yourself, you could talk with online expert to help you with it.